Mindful Movement & Moon Magic: Live Zoom Workshop
Regular price
WHAT: Join Siri and Beth as they lead you on a mindfulness, introspective, and reflective journey. Through meditation, yoga and journaling, Siri and Beth will help you connect your mind, body, & spirit, practice the Art of Attention, harness the energy of the Moon Cycle, and set your New Moon intention for the month ahead.
The goal of this 2 hour workshop is to create a meditative space and container for you to get quiet, meditate, and move your body. This workshop is an opportunity to access presence and inner guidance. From this place of alignment, you will be given journal prompts to help you set intentions for the New Moon Cycle.
WHO: Instructors: Siri Hoffman & Beth Suter.
Siri has 14 years of experience practicing massage therapy and teaching yoga with a degree in Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies.
Beth is a self-taught, professional artist & Moon Cycle coach with a BA in Elementary Education. She created a yearly Moon Calendar and 5 step planning process which teaches you how to plan with purpose alongside the Moon’s phases.
Siri and Beth have multiple years of online teaching experience. They have taught their respective topics to women from countries around the world.
WHEN/WHERE: Tuesday, May 3rd at 9:00 AM Pacific/Noon Eastern . LIVE over Zoom. 2 hour duration.
WHY?: Siri & Beth believe the relationship we have with our Self is the most important one we will ever have. When we connect with our inner being and innate wisdom, we are able to live in joy and access our gifts. And through sharing those gifts with others, we are living in our purpose.
Both women recognize that connecting to our inner guide can be unknown territory. Siri has found her connection through yoga, breath work and by simply paying attention to her inner experience. Beth has found hers through following the energy patterns of the Moon Cycle and tracking evidence of serendipitous moments. They both have discovered a strong connection to their intuition through journaling and meditation.
Beth and Siri are on a mission to help others live in alignment. They both know that it is through Joy that we can best love ourselves, love others, and live our best life!
HOW:The workshop will be held LIVE over Zoom. You can take this course from anywhere in the world that has internet access.
This sounds amazing, but that day/time doesn't work with my schedule:
No worries, a replay will be sent to everyone that purchased a seat. You can watch the replay at a time that is best for you.
Do I need to have previous yoga experience?
Not at all! Siri does a fantastic job guiding you step by step through the yoga poses. She also offers alternatives for positions that might be more difficult for beginners.
What materials do I need for class?
Wear comfy clothes (not necessary but ideal).
Yoga mat. You can also use a blanket if you don't have one.
Expect to be on the floor with space for stretching and moving your body.
Journal and pen to answer provided reflection questions & set intentions for the next Moon Cycle.
We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!
Siri & Beth
IMPORTANT! Once you purchase your seat, you will be able to download the login information for class. Do not exit your screen until you get the Download Now icon. This can take 1-2 min. You will also receive an email with download links for your digital purchases. There might also be a few bonuses included ;)
** PLEASE READ While it might seem harmless forwarding the class materials and video to a friend, it is a violation of our intellectual property. Proceeds from courses are how we earn a living for our families. When paid content is shared for free, it limits our capacity to grow our businesses and share more content with the world. Please be respectful.
This workshop WILL be recorded. By purchasing this course, you acknowledge that the workshop will be recorded and shared with all student's whom purchased a seat. It is possible that your face and/or voice will be on the recording.